Transac Garant

Modern bank, modern solutions! We work for your comfort.

Open an account
Swipe credit card

Debit Card


Debit Card

-Transfer of funds to any partner bank * without fees
- Receive and send remittances worldwide instantly
- Free service

pay cash




- Approval on the day of application. Apply and get money the next day without leaving your home




- Assistance in the collection of the first investment portfolio
- Instant deposit withdrawal without fees, 24 hours a day




- 6 types of insurance
- Reliable protection and quality control
- Online entry for any type of insurance

Our achievements










career A modern bank with reliable protection! Easy and free account opening! All your funds in our online bank are securely protected with modern encryption keys. People around the world trust us by making daily transfers and purchases. Absolutely for everyone, transfers without fees! career

Customer support service of the bank, will answer all your questions at any time of the day

Support agents work around the clock and are ready to answer your questions at any time of the day. We work without a break and a weekend!

Online bank servers always work quickly and without delay!

Our bank is installed on the best modern servers of our time, which means instant crediting of transactions from anywhere in the world!

We have many bank partners, for the convenience of customers!

Our online bank has many partner banks around the world, which allows you to make transfers to other banks without fees and thereby provide comfort to our customers!


Alexander Saydaev

I like the bank very much! Transactions are transferred instantly. I am glad that there is no commission for transfers to other banks! I like the bank very much!


David Evans

I opened an account based on the recommendations of my friends! After a month we have already approved the loan! Great bank with low interest!


Andreev Dmitry

I have been using the online bank for 2 years, for all the time there have been no difficulties! A very convenient bank service through which you can book a plane ticket! Well suited for businessmen and people who simply have little time.


Janusz Bukowski

I have been using this bank for over a year, I really like that through the services of the bank, you can order an insurance policy at a bargain price. Very low interest on the loan. I will definitely recommend this online bank to my work colleagues!


Belova Elizaveta

Convenient and quick withdrawal without commissions, the support service always promptly answers questions and helps in any question! I opened an account on the recommendation of my friends and I really like everything!


Frank Geller

not so long ago entered the Russian retail market, so there are some inconsistencies in the operation of the systems, although personally for me nothing critical happened. The fact that I received a loan at a low interest rate immediately to the card is more than satisfied with me! Fair and transparent card transactions, including exchanges, the best rates and card commissions, are unrivaled among all the banks I have used.


Mary Davidson

The bank conducted an investigation and returned the money for the operation, which was carried out without providing the service. The communication of the bank representatives with me was very comfortable and professional: they quickly and clearly collected all the information over the phone, made a check, instructed on my actions that could help in considering the issue, clearly and clearly set the deadlines, and professionally met my expectations. I am very satisfied and recommend the


John Garrett

Good time, the best bank, everything is at the highest level, fast, convenient, professionals in their field.


Demyanov Victor

I would like to express my gratitude to the bank's employees for their prompt consideration of my application No. 78563510 and for making a positive decision on the matter. Despite the weekend, the appeal was considered in less than a day.


Alex Giacometti

Received expert help on all issues. Attention to each client of bank employees. In a word: employees are in the right place. I wish them success in their work!!!



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