Politics Privacy

The Bank is seriously referred to as confidentiality and data security. In order to comply with your rights and freedoms in the field of personal information protection, we have developed a real privacy policy. It explains on what basis, how and for what purposes we process personal data and a number of other information. Before using the services of our bank, providing us with personal information, please read in full with the conditions below. The use of our services, providing us with personal information means unconditional consent with this policy.

General provisions

This document (policy) defines the main approaches of the Transac Garant regarding the processing of personal data (in the understanding of the law on personal data) and other user data (together - data). To information defined as personal data in accordance with the Law on Personal Data, the rules established by the specified law are applied. The order of which is processed by the bank security service has a number of rights.

Data processing goals

We process your data only for certain purposes. We process only the data that is necessary to achieve these goals, and do not request data that are redundant in terms of achieving specific goals. Basic goals:

Conclusion/execution of contracts with you with Transac Garant. Providing you with our services and services, including: signing contracts on paper; Registration in personal accounts; providing access to personal accounts during use; Reflection of the history of interaction in the databases of NPOs and personal accounts of our customers. • Providing banking services Including: the organization of calculations, acceptance of payments, acceptance and transfer of orders, requirements; provision, maintenance, closure of electronic means of payment; opening, maintaining, closing bank accounts; The provision of other banking services, the implementation of you/for you to pay for goods/works/services using our services.

Information exchange between you and "Transac Garant" Including: sending you notifications, requests, profiles/polls, offers, advertising. The direction of other information necessary according to the law and/or for the provision of specific services. Processing your appeals, requests, applications, profiles/polls.

Fulfillment of the requirements of the legislation In a number of situations, data processing are necessary for the implementation of the requirements of the legislation, for the implementation and fulfillment of functions, powers and duties assigned by law on Transac Garant. For example, this is required within the framework of legal proceedings; identification of customers, representatives, beneficiaries, beneficiaries; notifications of the Federal Tax Service on the provision of electronic means of payment, opening accounts; when providing information on payments to state information systems; when providing any type of reporting provided for by law; Other.

Работа над сервисами В том числе: повышение привлекательности наших сервисов, разработка новых продуктов, приложений, удобство использования сервисов, сайтов, приложений, электронных средств платежа, в том числе, проведение исследований, аналитики.

Organization of events and events Including: the organization of marketing, training and other events, shares, sending notifications of such events, surveys about the results, collection of proposals and wishes.

Safety Including: ensuring information and other security - your, other customers, third parties, NPOs. Identification of unlawful and/or prohibited actions when using services, identifying cases of fraud, theft of funds, other illegal actions; prevention of such unlawful actions in the future and localization of the consequences of such actions; assessment of the risks of cooperation; Checking the reliability of the information provided.

Personnel work. Including: maintaining personnel work and organization of accounting of employees of the NPO; regulation of labor and other, directly related relations; Attraction and selection of candidates for work at NPOs.

Administrative and economic activities. Including: the acquisition of your goods/works/services/rights to the results of intellectual activity, other administrative and economic activities.

The list of data

We can process the data listed below. This is the maximum list*, the specific amount of data depends on the purpose of processing, the situation, the availability of mandatory requirements of the legislation and is reflected in the relevant documents/interfaces. General data: e-mail; phone number; login; FULL NAME; Date of Birth; citizenship; details of an identity document; Document data; migration card data; address of the place of residence (registration) or place of stay; TIN; SNILS; data of the compulsory medical insurance policy; Place of Birth; electronic payment number number; Information about operations; Information about recipients/sender who are not clients; Other information provided by the client independently in the process of communication with Transac Garant. Technical information: information about the actions performed on our sites and in mobile applications; statistical, technical, functional types of data (for example, the type of action performed by the user on the action service, date and time of performance, the page of the page, type of user device, IP address, etc.); Information SOOKies **. * In addition to these employees. The list of these employees is determined by the legislation and local acts of NPOs.

Protection of personal information

Personal data protection is one of our key priorities. Within the framework of the integrated system of events, we provide: (1) The confidentiality of personal data. We do not disclose to third parties and do not disseminate personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law. (2) Protection of personal data from unlawful actions. We take the necessary legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unlawful or accidental access to them, destroy, change, block, copy, distribution, as well as other unlawful actions in relation to personal data.